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how to mass fossil brush

Hello guys welcome back with me, now i'm gonna to tell you about mass with big profit.

Lets start!

First we will make the yellow block first

now i will tell you the easiest way to mass this
splice :
 blue + red = purple (purple is farmable)
death spike + dungeon door = portcullis (death spike is farmable)
portcullis + purple = steel block (steel is farmable)

dirt + grass = daisy
daisy +brick = yellow block(yellow block is farmable)

yellow block + steel block = golden block (gold block is farmable)

Second we make wall like an egyptian
 splice :
grass+dirt = daisy
grass+lava = rose (2x)
daisy+rose = poppy
poppy + rose = bush
bush + death spike = cactus
cactus+dirt = sand stone

sand stone + mudglob = wall like an egyptian

Third is rice

Now three last step

golden block + evil brick = fire place

fire place + wall like an egyptian = adventure torch

adventure torch + rice = fossil brush

Well guys good luck on your mass the price is 2/1 and seed is 1/2

Just this from me bye!


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