Hi guys welcome back with me, today i will show you how to profit from surgery pack.

i will tell you what inside surgery pack here the list :
heart monitor
hospital bed
surgical stitches 5
surgical defibrillator 5
surgical sponge 5
surgical scalpel 5
surgical antiseptic 5
surgical ancesthetic 5
surgical clamp 5
surgical labkit 5
surgical ultrasound 5
surgical transfusion 5
surgical pins 5
surgical antibiotic 5
the price if surgical pack is 7-8 wl each pack
you need min 3 pack
i will tell you the price that you need to sell
heart monitor 2/1
hospital bed idk
stitches 5/3
defibrillator 10-15/1
sponge 4-5/1
scalpel 10-15/1
antiseptic 10-15/1
clamp 10-15/1
labkit 10-15/1
ultrasound 10-15/1
transfusion 10-15/1
pins 10-15/1
antibiotic 10-13/1
NOTE : the profit is depend on the price howmuch did you sell them for??
PRO TIPS : if you got any useless tools better you use autoclave it will trade 20 tool what you choose to 11 diffrent tool
PRO TIPS : better you open your shop when carnival is comming because all prices of tool are rising
just this for today see you next time!
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